Endocrinology focuses on the hormone and glandular functions of the human body. Most diseases are a result of either too little or too much hormone secretion. Endocrinologists through history, physical examination, and highly specialized testing can diagnose and treat these disorders. The most common referrals to Endocrinology Clinic are for the evaluation of thyroid disease, adrenal gland disorders, pituitary gland dysfunction, sexual hormone dysfunction, bone disorders, Lipid disorders, and diabetes.
Services provided:
- Inpatient and outpatient consultations
- Stimulation and suppression testing of hormonal function
- Thyroid Fine Needle Aspiration
The treatment of diabetes has become very complex, often requiring combinations of highly specialized medications. We approach the treatment of diabetes in a multidisciplinary fashion employing the services of physicians, diabetes educators and dietitians. An important goal of our clinical services is to have our patients learn about diabetes and develop self-management skills. Our clinic provides comprehensive evaluation and treatment of diabetes for all age groups.
Services provided:
- Inpatient and outpatient consultations
- Diabetes nurse educator visits
- Dietician consultation
- Filament examination for peripheral neuropathy
- Retinal scanning for diabetic retinopathy
- Hemoglobin A1c testing
- Insulin pump management